Wednesday, 5 February 2014

New and digital Media article 11: Web advertising: still a small net in a very large pond

The article talks about how the internet and web advertising is growing as well as the revenues it produces but isn't yet big enough compared to other advertising streams such as TV, Radio and Newspapers. 

I believe that in its current position that internet advertising will dominate global revenue eventually, currently it is quite cheap but most likely will increase in prices once it dominates advertising as a whole

Advertising in Times Square, New York

Info from the article
Internet ad revenues are growing fast. But, even now, they make up only 4.5% of the global whole

 Revenues via the internet are up 32.4%, up 4.3% via TV and 5.1% on posters. But they're down 2.2% fornewspapers and 1.1% on magazines (with radio and cinema also in negative territory).

Step back, though, and look at the whole cake, neatly sliced. TV, at 57.6%, is the king of the jungle. But if you add newspapers and magazines together, they're a fat 28.7% against the net's 4.5% (which is outgunned by radio, too, and scarcely better than billboards).

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