Monday, 9 December 2013

New and Digital Media Article 1: So Twitter is ruining journalism? Really?

So Twitter is ruining journalism? Really?

This article published by the Guardian by Bronwen Clune and is a reply to what was published by 'The Australian' newspaper was stating that Twitter will ruin journalists. Clune states that the argument made in the article seems to say that Twitter exists as some sort of "alternative media universe" run by narcissists with no hardcore news values. Clune obviously wrote this article disagreeing with what was said in 'The Australian' article as she believes Twitter is a powerful journalistic tool. Clune then goes onto giving examples of when Twitter has been a useful tool e.g. during the 2011 uprisings in Egypt and the middle east many journalist including US based Andy Carvin from NPR and Australian based Jess Hill formerly at ABC used twitter to gain reliable sources about what was going on when many media organisations were unable to get many reporters on the ground. Another example was the 2011 London Riots where many citizens worked alongside journalist to report news all over London, Twitter allowed the voice of the public be heard with the help of journalists. One of the major news stories like Bin Laden's death in May 2011 was reported on twitter by Keith Urbahn.

I agree with Bronwen Clune, Twitter is powerful. Twitter could potentially be the replacement of many newspapers as it is quick and instant and allows journalist to summarise a whole article in 140 characters. It can also help connect journalist to many citizen journalist. The internet is one of the fastest way news is spread and twitter is used by billions of people around the world and therefore can make any story viral within minutes, it gives journalist the advantage of being first to report viral news to a mass audience rather than it slowly (in internet time) making its way around to everyone.

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